Jesus is the BIG rock and we are HIS little rocks. A faith journey towards Our Lord. The obstacles and struggles we face along the way.

Monday, July 03, 2006


hey all! Julie's previous entry was marvellous! Amen! Which is why I am so inspired to do a follow-up entry!!!

Firstly, I will like to remind everyone that a life of christ is definitely a life of struggle. As we follow Christ, we are bound to meet into trials and obstacles! If there are no trials and obstacles, then that will be the time when we really reflect, "are we really leading the life that God wants us to have?" Even now as i am typing this entry, I myself am facing my own obstacles and problems.

I totally agree with Julie that 'storms' in life are GOD's ways of teaching us lessons in life! Why do we keep seeing the 'storm' and not think about what's after the 'storm'? For me, I always tell myself that after every 'storm', there is always the green pastures. And there I will see The LORD, stretching out HIS open arms and receiving me. It is as if he is trying to say, "Good job, my son, come take a rest in my arms." So do not face your trials with grief and sadness, instead brace it with courage and happiness because there is always the presence of CHRIST in every trials.

As proverbs 15:14 states, "The mind of HIM who has understanding, seeks knowledge, inquires after and craves it, but the mouths of (self-confident) fools feed on folly. Thus, we can see that if we get GOD's understanding, we can ask HIM for the knowledge to overcome EVERY problem and trial we face. We must also give our heartaches and troubles to GOD and keep a cheerful attitude no matter what is going on in our lives. We must remember, "this too, SHALL PASS" as GOD is eternal and has a GOOD PLAN for our future. - taken from

And also, it is normal for us to fall when we carry our crosses. Remember, when Jesus was carrying his own cross, he too fell. But he chose to carry on. Thus, it is the same for us, when we fall, we have to carry on no matter what. I know that it will be very exhausting, but always remember what isaiah 40:31 says, " But those who trust in the LORD for help will have their strength renewed. They will rise on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not grow weak." Thus, by that verse, we know now that in our journey, we have to PRAY and PRAY and PRAY and constantly renew our faith so as to carry on!!!

Thus, my dear bros and sis, no problem is too great for GOD to handle. AMEN!! When we fall into trials, do not feel grief or overburdened because always remember that GOD is there for us, as long as we choose to seek HIM, what can possbily trouble us? I know that it is hard, but we have to keep trying and trying ya? I am also trying my best to face my problems with a cheerful attitude at this moment of trying to overcome my problems and obstacles. So, face your trials with a SMILE and a Cheerful attitude. For it is then when we are strengthened and will be able to overcome our problem with a brand new heart!!!

I leave you with the lyrics of the song, "All Things Are Possible". I hope that this song will once again affirm the fact that nothing is too great for GOD to handle.

"Almighty God my redeemer, my hiding place, my safe refuge.
No other name like Jesus, no power can stand against you.
My feet are planted on this Rock and I will not be shaken.

My hope it comes from you alone, my lord and my salvation.
Your praise is always on my lips, your word is living in my heart and I will praise you with a new song, my soul will bless you Lord.
When I am weak, you make me in you, and I will praise you with a new song, my soul will bless you Lord.
When I am weak, you make me strong.

When I am poor, I know I am rich.
For in the power of your name, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!"

your brother in CHRIST,
-Jerry Alexander-


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